I will do my best, however, to not use titles like today's as a rule. First of all, that gimmick is sort of the intellectual property of the writers of Friends. Doing it once as a nod to a great show is enough. Second, the grammar is already killing me. I really wish it said "The One in Which I Start a Blog." I think. Wouldn’t Mr. McCandlish, my AP English teacher, be proud that I still care? (The man had a shirt hanging in his classroom that read "If you don't give a damn about the comma, what DO you care about?" I have been tormented over my comma use ever since.)
I am glad you asked! (See what I did here? I am acting like we are in a conversation. Clever, eh?)Since I took eight hours to come up with a title, I suppose I should unpack it for you. I just hope I can put it all back together when I am done.
Aren't most blogs? Mine is no different, except I have no time - nor desire - to make this a journal of my life. It is about what interests me and affects my life. It is more specifically about my perspective on things, why I have that perspective, and how that affects my interactions with others and the world around me.
2. This Blog is About My Children
Again, this is not so much to recount their experiences in softball and scouts, but to share how our unique family is perceived by others
•There are many of us.
The minute you realize every prize package is for a family of four, you
know you are set apart.
•We homeschool and we have kids in public school. This is the first of many issues where we straddle a line that has divided many. And we feel like we are living in no man's land.
•Some of the children are on the Autism Spectrum. Autism by nature sets you apart. Regardless of one's ability to communicate and interact with the general population, a person with Autism is wired differently. Also, the minute a parent receives a diagnosis, they are asked to choose up sides: neurodiversty or cure? You also have to field questions and comments from people who are ignorant of what Autism Spectrum Disorder is. Finally, we have high functioning children, which means we are not fully immersed in the services and world of the child with greater challenges. So both parents are somewhere on the outside of both the neurotypical worlds and the world of Autism support.
•Some in the family have ADHD. Again, our brains are wired differently. And even at our very best, when we even outshine the "normal" people we have to do it in a way that makes no sense to the outside world. (Plus once you have proven success, they have no idea why you cannot replicate it tomorrow.)
•One of my children has a mood disorder. In her own words she feels she has to deal with problems much different than others do. Her diagnosis is often invalidated by people who only see one side of her. And this child is often on the sidelines even with a busy extra-curricular schedule.
3. This Blog is About My Faith
This is not a devotional.
I am not saying it can't happen, but I am not setting out to write a
daily inspiration for people. This is about how I
am set apart in various ways because of my beliefs.•We homeschool and we have kids in public school. This is the first of many issues where we straddle a line that has divided many. And we feel like we are living in no man's land.
•Some of the children are on the Autism Spectrum. Autism by nature sets you apart. Regardless of one's ability to communicate and interact with the general population, a person with Autism is wired differently. Also, the minute a parent receives a diagnosis, they are asked to choose up sides: neurodiversty or cure? You also have to field questions and comments from people who are ignorant of what Autism Spectrum Disorder is. Finally, we have high functioning children, which means we are not fully immersed in the services and world of the child with greater challenges. So both parents are somewhere on the outside of both the neurotypical worlds and the world of Autism support.
•Some in the family have ADHD. Again, our brains are wired differently. And even at our very best, when we even outshine the "normal" people we have to do it in a way that makes no sense to the outside world. (Plus once you have proven success, they have no idea why you cannot replicate it tomorrow.)
•One of my children has a mood disorder. In her own words she feels she has to deal with problems much different than others do. Her diagnosis is often invalidated by people who only see one side of her. And this child is often on the sidelines even with a busy extra-curricular schedule.
3. This Blog is About My Faith
•I am a believer in Jesus.
The word "sanctified” means set apart. I am set apart to do His will.
•I worship in a Messianic Jewish context. The Jews were God's chosen people, set apart to bring the Messiah to the nations. Studying God's word from a Hebraic standpoint sets one apart from most of Christendom - and we are oft misunderstood. Loving the Biblical (and just cultural) traditions that are rooted in Judaism while affirming that Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah set one apart from Jews. At times one feels like a bridge, other times like a lonely island. In addition, I am pretty sure I am a gentile - yet I am drawn to the Hebraic Roots of my faith and identify with Israel. Depending on the commentator that means different things as far as my participation, but it makes less sense to others than does a Jew who worships Yeshua.
•I don't toe the party line. I will say I am conservative because I take the Word of God very seriously. And that means, as long as the context makes sense, I take things that are said at face value. However, I do not take what teachers say at face value, and I am willing to look for myself to see if even mainstream doctrines might not be correct. Sometimes it is tradition that has been proof texted. Sometimes two seemingly opposite understandings are derived, and I will no longer assume that the "underdog" side is the heretic. I also have detached myself from much of evangelical culture. Sometimes I feel they can be too set apart -but that results with me being once again on the outside.
•I worship in a Messianic Jewish context. The Jews were God's chosen people, set apart to bring the Messiah to the nations. Studying God's word from a Hebraic standpoint sets one apart from most of Christendom - and we are oft misunderstood. Loving the Biblical (and just cultural) traditions that are rooted in Judaism while affirming that Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah set one apart from Jews. At times one feels like a bridge, other times like a lonely island. In addition, I am pretty sure I am a gentile - yet I am drawn to the Hebraic Roots of my faith and identify with Israel. Depending on the commentator that means different things as far as my participation, but it makes less sense to others than does a Jew who worships Yeshua.
•I don't toe the party line. I will say I am conservative because I take the Word of God very seriously. And that means, as long as the context makes sense, I take things that are said at face value. However, I do not take what teachers say at face value, and I am willing to look for myself to see if even mainstream doctrines might not be correct. Sometimes it is tradition that has been proof texted. Sometimes two seemingly opposite understandings are derived, and I will no longer assume that the "underdog" side is the heretic. I also have detached myself from much of evangelical culture. Sometimes I feel they can be too set apart -but that results with me being once again on the outside.
4. This Blog is About Parenting and Discipline
I put this separate from my "children" category for a reason. This is an area I am passionate about. I believe this is one area where many have followed the status quo without even pondering that there could be something better out there. Yes, I said better. But I am talking about the method, paradigm, and tools - not the parent. And with anything in life, ideals are only as good as their ability to adjust to variables. Sometimes ideal in a certain situation is the exact opposite of a general ideal.
I put this separate from my "children" category for a reason. This is an area I am passionate about. I believe this is one area where many have followed the status quo without even pondering that there could be something better out there. Yes, I said better. But I am talking about the method, paradigm, and tools - not the parent. And with anything in life, ideals are only as good as their ability to adjust to variables. Sometimes ideal in a certain situation is the exact opposite of a general ideal.
I look fairly mainstream. I eat fairly mainstream. My health practices are fairly mainstream. But my philosophies are more alternative. I am making baby steps to become more natural in my lifestyle. That is often called crunchy (like granola). I am just mildly crispy. Some of my choices do not even ping the neo-hippie radar, but they make me seem a bit odd to most suburbanites.
I am not very political, and I do not use Facebook as a place to lobby. I stay out of most controversial conversations in real life as well. It is part of my personality to not want to offend anyone - ever. (That is, of course, impossible.) I realize sometimes others might be encouraged by my point of view. So in areas where I am passionate, I am not going to hide that to spare feelings. Of course I will use tact and love, and I am still not going to comment on every news piece. I will just give my take on those things that reflect my true nature and passion.
So there it is in a nutshell. (If that nut was huge.)
Looking forward to hearing more from you, Heather. Great first post.
ReplyDeleteThanks Starlene! I noticed I got a pageview from Singapore!!
DeleteI was just thinking about you today as I was emailing my ES and thinking about how different our Learning Record meetings were from the freindly yet on-topic only meetings with her. :)
And now you may notice a page view from Canada. :)
ReplyDeleteYou sound so much like me! Check out my blog and you might see what I mean, but in short, I, too, have a large family (seven children have come forth from my womb), some of whom are in public school, and some of whom stay home for their formal education.
Two of my children have a diagnosis of being "in the Autism Spectrum", but they are classified a s"high functioning".
Two of my children have ADHD.
One of my children has a mood disorder.
I question traditional teachings and dig into the Bible to find the truth.
I'm a grammar freak to the point that I correct the dictation of doctors for a living (I work from home doing medical transcription).
I'm a little on the crispy side, too. :)
Very nice to meet you, sister in Christ!
Thank you for replying. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I hope you end up reading my reply.
DeleteYou do sound a lot like me! I will check out your blog.
I am a bit of a paradox in that I appreciate good grammar but find it often gets in the way of my conversational style. So I do my best to find a ground where the two parts of me get along.
Oh, one more thing - how did you get that "subscribe by email" widget to show up at the bottom of the comment box, so replies to comments will result in me getting an email notification? I've been wanting one on my blog, which is also powered by Blogger, but cannot figure out how to set it up.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure. I missed your email notification anyway. It must've gotten burried.
DeleteHi Heather. Just letting you know I got an email notification for your replies. Good to see that feature operable here in Blogger! And good to hear back from you. :)
DeleteThanks Steeny Lou - and yes your message did go to my email.